Sunday, May 17, 2015


 In an attempt to keep abreast with the changes in today’s world, we have made it mandatory for the students of Year 7&8 to create their own E-portfolios.
The purpose of creating and maintaining an e-portfolio (electronic portfolio) is for students to reflect and take control of their learning. The portfolio is your online workspace, designed so that you can record and reflect on your work, goals and achievements. It is designed to help you see clear links between what you are learning, how you have learnt it and why it is useful. Your e-Portfolio helps you build up a catalogue of evidence, that will benefit you in your personal progress and career development. Your e-Portfolio is designed to be a flexible tool you can use in ways that best suit you to take control of your learning and skills development.

The e-portfolio was already introduced to the Year 8 students before we went into our Spring break. The e-portfolio will also be rolled out to Year 7 in the opening week.

The students will be expected to create their own portfolio using web tools of their choice. They may decide on the style and areas to be included. A few tabs that we expect every student to include are listed below. On the decided date, each child will have to talk us through their e-portfolio.

The following are the non-negotiable tabs in your e-portfolio:

§  Welcome - Welcome people to your e-Portfolio and tell them about what they’ll find there.

§  My Profile - Introduce yourself: your background and interests, and other information of your choosing

§  My Path - (Goals / career aspirations/ additional courses attended to support your career aspirations)

§  Accomplishments - Your in-school and out of school achievements / certificates / accolades

§  School /Community involvement – In what way have you participated / been involved/contributed to whole school, wider community projects

§  Independent research /Innovations – record your innovations no matter how small/ all that independent work you’ve taken on

§  Leadership transcript – (Various leadership roles held and your experience in those roles)

§  Projects – the projects that you work on through the years helps to give you a clear sense of direction as to your interests and what you could possible excel in.

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